Wednesday 4 January 2012

Whatever happened to Commander William Riker?

My partner and I enjoy Star Trek: The next generation. We have the DVD box set and all the films and we have watched every episode at least three times. Vicky has very fond memories of watching ST:TNG with her father and she has an emotional bond with this show. I’m a big Sci-Fi nerd and enjoy most things related to this genre.

So what happened to William Riker? I know this is not the most germane of matters, what with the show expiring about seventeen years ago, but we have recently been re-watching the show and Riker goes from being this up and coming “wunderkind” in the first season, to a shouty dullard whose only function is to declare a red alert and call for the shields to be raised.
We watched the first season and Riker charges around the cosmos, being the big brave action hero and bedding his way through a plethora of women. Naturally, an archetype of the ideal of western masculinity and perhaps a role model to us all (I remember ST:TNG when it was first aired on UK terrestrial TV and I am as impressionable as wet clay – sans the charisma). By season two Riker has grown 1) a beard and 2) a gut.
Now, I’m no ideal of the male specimen, but neither is my stock and trade my appearance. Riker comes back fat and hairy and at this juncture his character sinks into decline.
Obviously, the superb acting skills of Patrick Stewart make the role of the captain take greater precedence, and this continues till Riker is eventually eclipsed, but I don’t think that Riker’s beard (the sort worn by men who drink ‘real ale’ and wear socks with their sandals), could possibly have helped.

For those that care, the original idea in ST:TNG was to split the role of captain across two characters. Picard would be the completive aspect of Kirk whilst Riker would personify his more active (and rambunctious), nature. Ultimately, Riker gets subsumed however the actor, Jonathan Frakes, who portrays the aforementioned commander, does take up directorial duties and orchestrates numerous episodes. In his career to date, Jonathan Frakes produces the second best Star Trek film (First Contact) and also plums a pretty grim nadir when he knocks out the ‘Thunderbirds’ film.

Whilst Jonathan Frakes has had many roles and duties in his career, he will always be Commander Riker, and in fairness  he always did a pretty good job of raising those shields and getting the red alert, alerting.


  1. cool was just watching the show and wondered.......

  2. I agree that Riker was fat. But he was fat from the beginning of the show--episode one. The beard was hideous. He was also very unathletic looking. This is really evident in The Icarus Factor when you see his posture standing opposite his father in the competition ring. When you first see him and his father standing opposite each other, you can really see his lack of natural athleticism. His father stands well balanced with his knees slightly bent. Riker stands lock kneed with his knees hyperextended, which is an unbalanced and unhealthy way to stand. No natural athlete stands like that. I don't understand some of the casting for that series. They made some brilliant choices like the actor who played Data. Then they made some awful choices like Riker, Deanna Troy (another fattie), Tasha Yar, the second doctor. Just why.

  3. I agree that Riker was fat. But he was fat from the beginning of the show--episode one. The beard was hideous. He was also very unathletic looking. This is really evident in The Icarus Factor when you see his posture standing opposite his father in the competition ring. When you first see him and his father standing opposite each other, you can really see his lack of natural athleticism. His father stands well balanced with his knees slightly bent. Riker stands lock kneed with his knees hyperextended, which is an unbalanced and unhealthy way to stand. No natural athlete stands like that. I don't understand some of the casting for that series. They made some brilliant choices like the actor who played Data. Then they made some awful choices like Riker, Deanna Troy (another fattie), Tasha Yar, the second doctor. Just why.

  4. Riker's role diminished once Jonathan Frakes started getting fat. It looks like he blubbered up 15 pounds per season.

  5. Riker in season 1 was just never convincing as the daring action figure. As he got fatter and fatter, his presence diminished and we were hoping the character would be killed off or "promoted" to captain and forgotten.

  6. Riker in season 1 was just never convincing as the daring action figure. As he got fatter and fatter, his presence diminished and we were hoping the character would be killed off or "promoted" to captain and forgotten.
