Saturday 31 December 2011


I'm a big audio nut. I love music, but I also love the technology, the science and everything else associated with audio. Unsurprisingly I like Hi-fi, or as it was called in my youth "separates".
I recently moved house and I finally have a sitting room big enough to do justice to set a speakers I always wanted but couldn't properly house.

Monitor Audio Gold Reference 60
(Mine are in light oak not rosewood).

Prior to investing in the GR60s I had the GR20s. I have been a keen advocate of Monitor Audio for years but I thought that they got "affordable high-end" right with the Gold Reference series. I'm sure there is no shortage of folks out in the electronic nether-land who will only be too happy to disabuse me of my ignorance regarding my choice of loudspeakers, but I have to say that they suit me and my budget.

Monitor Audio Gold Reference 20

The GR60s ceased being made about seven years ago so mine are second hand. I had looked at the Gold Signature 60 they brought out after they stopped making the GR60. I never much cared for them. They did have a little more bass clout but seemed to be missing the upper-midrange speed that I have always admired in the GR20s (if you are an audio nut you can read a clumsily worded review about the GR20s here:

Monitor audio have a new gold range that is radical departure from the previous gold range. The floorstanders now utilise ribbon tweeters, a 4" midrange driver and then two bass drivers (either 5.5" or 6.5" depending on which model). You can take a goosey here:

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